How to Read the Tarot Cards: A Beginner’s Guide

Do you want to know how to read your tarot cards? This beginner's guide will teach you everything you need to know about your tarot deck. Tarot cards can be used for divination, which means that they can be used to predict the future. They are also used for spiritual guidance and self-reflection. If you are interested in learning more about this ancient art, keep reading!

In this blog post, we'll review the major arcana, minor arcana, and other aspects of tarot decks. We'll also give you advice on which tarot deck to use, and how to start to interpret your tarot cards.

Close up of woman picking a tarot card from a deck held by another woman

What is the structure of a tarot reading?

There's no one answer to this question as readings can vary widely depending on the reader's individual style. However, there are some common elements that are often included in a tarot reading. Typically, the reader will begin by shuffle the cards and then invite the person receiving the reading to choose a certain number of cards.

The cards are then laid out in a specific pattern called a spread. The spread provides guidance for interpretation, with each position representing a different aspect of the querent's life.

Once the cards are laid out, the reader will spend time discussing the meaning of each card as it relates to the position it occupies in the spread. Tarot readings can provide insights into many different areas of life, including love, relationships, career, and family. Whether you're seeking guidance or just curious about what tarot readings entail, be sure to ask around until you find a style that resonates with you.

There are several different spreads used in tarot which may appear familiar to you if you've ever tried reading tarot cards before. They are:

The Three Card Spread

You draw three cards representing the past, present, and future. This card reading is great for beginners because each card represents something specific. It's easy to see how each card relates to the other. The three card pull is great for offering guidance, and you can do it quick, too. I will sometimes practice this spread with just Major Arcana cards to really internalize those meanings.

The Celtic Cross

This is a ten card spread that is one of the more basic spreads for tarot. It's also the “standard” of this ancient practice. The Celtic Cross is a great spread for asking specific questions. It covers all areas of life and can be very helpful in gaining clarity on any situation. It's also great to practice intuitive reading, because there are so many cards that they intertwine nicely. Learning this ten card spread is an important aspect of tarot card mastery.

The Five Card Spread

This is a great spread for beginners, because it's easy to learn and you can do it quickly. You simply draw five cards, which represent different aspects of your life including your past, present, future, what is holding you back, and how to push forward. This spread is perfect for gaining insights into any situation. Remember to use a shuffled deck and take a few deep breaths before beginning.

What are the types of cards in my tarot card deck?

Tarot cards are used for divination and date back to the 15th century. They usually consist of a deck of 78 cards, divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trump cards that represent major life events, while the Minor Arcana cards consists of 56 suit cards that represent more everyday issues.

The suit cards are further divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit has a different meaning, and the card's position in the reading can also impact its interpretation. For example, a reversed card might indicate an obstacle or challenge, while an upright card might represent progress or success. With so many possible interpretations, tarot readings can be extremely insightful.

What's a good beginner reading?

There are a couple different ways you could go about this. One option would be to choose a topic or question that you would like some clarity on, then select 3-5 tarot cards that you feel offer the most insight into that question. Another approach would be to simply shuffle your deck and choose whatever cards seem to stand out to you, without necessarily having a specific question in mind.

Once you have your cards, take some time to examine each one individually, noticing the images, symbols, and colors involved. Then, begin to lay them out in whatever spread feels right to you. Afterward, take some time to reflect on what the cards might be trying to tell you. What messages do they have for you? How do they fit together? Are there any patterns or common themes that emerge?

Trust your intuition as you interpret the reading – there are no wrong answers! Don't be afraid to look up the meanings of any symbol or card that isn't immediately clear to you. With a little practice, tarot can be an incredibly helpful tool for gaining clarity and insight.

If you're not sure about this intuitive method, you can always pick one of the common tarot card spreads (listed above) to help you learn tarot.

What tarot deck should I buy?

Choosing a tarot deck can be a bit daunting, especially if you're new to the world of tarot. There are literally thousands of different decks to choose from, so how do you know which one is right for you? Here are a few things to consider when selecting a tarot deck:

First, think about what kind of feeling you want your tarot deck to have. Do you prefer a deck that is dark and mysterious, or light and airy? There are decks to suit all sorts of moods and preferences.

Second, consider what kind of art style you prefer. Tarot decks come in all sorts of styles, from traditional illustrations to modern photography. Take some time to browse through different decks online or in a bookstore, and see which style speaks to you.

Finally, don't forget to think about practical considerations such as the size and weight of the deck. A larger deck may be more impressive, but it can also be harder to carry around with you. Weigh your options carefully before making your final decision.

If you're really just looking for an answer here, here's a few options:

The Rider Waite Deck

The Rider Waite deck is the classic tarot deck. These cards represent everyday life and are the go-to for most beginning tarot readers.

Get your Rider Waite tarot deck here.

The Modern Witch Tarot

If you're looking for a more contemporary way to read tarot, check out the modern witch tarot. I really love the death card, and I find it's a great way to gain insight when times are tough.

Get your modern witch tarot here.

How do I figure out what the tarot cards mean?

One of the great things about tarot cards is that there is no one right interpretation. Instead, each reader brings their own unique perspective to the cards. There are a few different ways to start learning how to interpret the tarot. One approach is to familiarize yourself with the traditional meanings of the cards.

Many decks include a guidebook that provides an overview of the card meanings. Once you have a basic understanding of the card meanings, you can start to interpret the cards in relation to your own life experiences. Another approach is to meditate on each card and pay attention to the images and symbols that stand out to you. Trust your intuition as you work with the cards and allow your own understanding of their meaning to unfold.

Final thoughts about learning tarot

Learning tarot can be a fun and interesting way to gain insights into yourself and the world around you. The images on the cards can be interpreted in many ways, providing a rich source of inspiration and guidance. While there are many different ways to learn tarot, the most important thing is to find a method that works for you. There is no right or wrong way to interpret the cards, so trust your intuition and go with what feels right. With a little practice, you'll be reading tarot like a pro in no time. Thanks for joining me on this journey!

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