Tarot Card of Day: How to memorize your tarot cards

Do you ever wonder what your day has in store for you? Have a shiny new deck of tarot cards that you don't know what to do with? We've got you! Your tarot deck will be SINGING to you after you complete this exercise!

The goal of any tarot practitioner is to integrate tarot into their everyday life. Learning tarot is about internalizing the meanings of the cards. Much like people will use a Bible app to connect to the Christian God, you need to do daily tarot to fully understand your cards, what they mean, and how you can use them.

So, if you're ready to take on the Tarot Card of the Day Challenge, take a deep breath and let's get started!

Crop soothsayer with talisman and tarot cards predicting fate

What tarot deck should I use for this exercise?

You should use your primary tarot deck. If you plan to do readings besides a daily draw, then keep a notebook nearby so that you can mark down which cards you have read as you go. If you don't plan to use the cards for anything other than daily tarot, then just designate an “unused” and “used” pile for your tarot deck.

You're going to perform a series of exercises with a single tarot card to help you understand the amazing way that tarot cards can speak to us. This is a great daily tarot practice, and you'll be increasing your tarot reading skills in no time!

Step 1: Draw a card and study it.

It seems so simple, right? But to do a daily tarot card reading, you actually have to draw at least one card. So, if it's day one, then shuffle your deck first. Draw a card. Take a look at it.

Step 2: Set a timer and journal about it.

Certain cards evoke strong emotions during tarot reading, while others will feel cryptic and aloof. That's ok. Every tarot card, in all of the tarot decks, is just a little bit different in how it will speak to you.

Set a timer for three minutes (your phone will do this just fine!) and then… start your tarot reading. Write down the name of the card and then whatever you think that one card means. It could be feelings, impressions, or knowledge you have from tarot readings (we mean books, here).

When your timer goes off, stop writing, and move on to the next step.

Step 3: Look up the card and amend your analysis.

No, seriously, look up the card. We'll wait.

Ok, now that you're back, did anything change? How does your understanding of the tarot card differ from what you thought before looking it up? How can you reconcile your personal understanding of card meanings with “what the book says”? Is it ok if you're a little different? We think so.

Step 4: Thank the cards and put everything away until your next daily tarot card draw.

This is probably the most important step of all, and it's so easy to forget! We've been talking about how to do a tarot card reading, but we haven't said anything about what to do after the reading.

The key here is to be grateful for the guidance you've received, even if it wasn't what you expected or hoped for. Your daily draw is a chance to connect with card meanings AND the divine, so be sure to shout them all out. Put your cards away and practice again tomorrow.

Final thoughts

It's okay if you skip a day. Learning to read tarot is a lifetime practice, not a daily slog. If your daily draw isn't bringing you joy, take a moment to reevaluate what you're trying to get out of your deck, and adjust your practice. Performing this on a daily basis is best, but we get it: life gets in the way.

Putting a ritual around your daily draw is a great way to make it a true habit. Maybe it's a special hat, pen, or chair that you use when you're doing your readings. Whatever it is, be sure to reward yourself after your daily tarot reading to complete your cue–>action–> reward cycle. You'll be a tarot pro in no time!

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