What are the Major Arcana Meanings? Find Out Right Here!

The Major Arcana are a set of 22 cards in the tarot deck that hold special significance. Each card has its own unique meaning, and together they tell a story about the journey of life.

If you're interested in learning more about the Major Arcana card meanings, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll discuss the Major Arcana card meanings, and how they have archetypal significance across all of the cards. Are you ready? Pay attention!

What is the Major Arcana?

The Major Arcana is a set of 22 cards in the tarot deck. Each of these cards has a unique revelation, and together they tell a story about the journey of life. The Major Arcana is also known as the “greater arcana”, and these cards are often seen as more important than the other cards in the deck.

20 banknote on white and pink floral textile

Why are the Major Arcana tarot cards so important?

The Major Arcana are so important because they hold significance across all of the cards. This means that each of the cards in the Major Arcana has a symbolism that is relevant to all aspects of life. When you read the Major Arcana, you can gain insights into your own journey and growth.

The Tarot Major Arcana cards are considered the “important” tarot cards, and these tarot card are pretty universal, regardless of the deck that you use. In contrast, the rest of the cards, known as the Minor Arcana, play a more supporting role.

What do each of the Major Arcana cards mean?

Well, that's enough introduction. Let's go through each of the Major Arcana cards found in most tarot decks, and we'll see what each of them mean!

The Fool Card

The Fool is a card that represents nature, new beginnings, optimism, and innocence. It often indicates a time in your life when you're starting fresh and making exciting new plans. If the Fool appears in your reading, it could mean that it's time to take some risks and embrace the unknown.

The Magician Card

The Magician is a card that represents creative power, action, and skill. He often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling confident and capable. If the Magician appears in your reading, it's a sign that you have the ability to create the life you want.

The High Priestess Card?

The High Priestess is a card that represents intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. She often indicates a time in your life when you're exploring your innermost thoughts and feelings. If the High Priestess appears in your reading, it could mean to pay attention to your intuition and trust your gut feeling.

The Empress Card

The Empress is a card that represents fertility, abundance, and motherhood. She often indicates a time in your life when you're experiencing growth and plenty. If the Empress appears in your reading, it's a sign to embrace your femininity and enjoy all of the good things that life has to offer.

The Emperor Card

The Emperor is a card that represents structure, authority, and stability. He often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling secure and grounded. If the Emperor appears in your reading, it could mean to take a leadership role and put your skills to good use.

The Hierophant Card

The Hierophant is a card that represents religion, tradition, and conformity. He often indicates a time in your life when you're seeking guidance from a higher power. If the Hierophant appears in your reading, it's a sign to follow your heart and stay true to yourself.

The Lovers Card

The Lovers is a card that represents love, relationships, and choices. He often indicates a time in your life when you're faced with an important decision. If the Lovers appears in your reading, it could mean to listen to your heart and choose what feels right for you.

The Chariot Card

The Chariot is a card that represents victory, courage, and determination. He often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling triumphant and unstoppable. If the Chariot appears in your reading, it could mean to stay the course and trust in yourself.

Strength Card Tarot

Strength is a card that represents inner strength, courage, and compassion. She often indicates a time in your life when you're called to stand up for yourself or others. If Strength appears in your reading, it means to tap into your inner strength and use it for good.

The Hermit Card

The Hermit is a card that represents introspection, reflection, and solitude. He often indicates a time in your life when you're called to turn inward and focus on your own needs. If the Hermit appears in your reading, it's a sign to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries.

Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune is a card that represents luck, change, and opportunity. He often indicates a time in your life when you're experiencing a period of growth and expansion. If the Wheel of Fortune appears in your reading, it's a sign to go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

Justice Tarot Meaning

Justice is a card that represents truth, fairness, and balance. She often indicates a time in your life when you're called to make things right. If she appears in your reading, it's a sign to seek out the truth and do what's fair and right.

The Hanged Man Card

The Hanged Man is a card that represents sacrifice, self-awareness, and surrender. He often indicates a time in your life when you're called to let go of something important. If the Hanged Man appears in your reading, it's a sign to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.

Death Tarot Meaning

Death is a card that represents transformation, change, and endings. He often indicates a time in your life when you're experiencing a major change. If Death appears in your reading, it's a sign to embrace the change and let go of the past.

Temperance Tarot Meaning

Temperance is a card that represents moderation, balance, and harmony. She often indicates a time in your life when you're called to find a middle ground. If Temperance appears in your reading, it's a sign to take things easy and go with the flow.

The Devil Card

The Devil is a card that represents temptation, vice, and addiction. He often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling trapped or powerless. If the Devil appears in your reading, it's a sign to break free from the things that are holding you back.

The Tower Meaning

The Tower is a card that represents chaos, destruction, and upheaval. He often indicates a time in your life when you're experiencing a period of turmoil. If the Tower appears in your reading, it's a sign to brace yourself for the storm ahead.

The Star Meaning

The Star is a card that represents hope, healing, and inspiration. She often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling lost or down. If the Star appears in your reading, it's a sign to hold on to hope and know that better days are ahead.

The Moon Card

The Moon is a card that represents intuition, emotion, and mystery. She often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling lost or confused. If the Moon appears in your reading, it's a sign to trust your gut and follow your heart.

The Sun Meaning

The Sun is a card that represents happiness, victory, and optimism. He often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling good and things are going your way. If the Sun appears in your reading, it's a sign to enjoy the good times and make the most of them.

Judgement Meaning

Judgement is a card that represents rebirth, renewal, and transformation. He often indicates a time in your life when you're ready to let go of the past and move on. If Judgement appears in your reading, it's a sign to make a fresh start and embrace the new chapter ahead.

The World Meaning

The World is a card that represents completion, success, and achievement. She often indicates a time in your life when you're feeling confident and ready to take on the world. If the World appears in your reading, it's a sign to go for it and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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